Snackbars & Toasts

Snackbars provide brief messages about app processes at the bottom of the screen. Snackbar component is a container used to notify a user of an operation's status.

It displays at the bottom of the screen. A snackbar may contain an action button to execute

a command for the user. Actions should not be to close the snackbar.

By not providing an action, the snackbar becomes a toast component.

When multiple snackbars/toasts are fired, they wait in queue (we do not display multiple at the same time).

Basic structure

<button id="snack-info" type="button" class="btn btn--action">Info</button>
<button id="snack-success" type="button" class="btn btn--primary">Success</button>
<button id="snack-warn" type="button" class="btn btn--secondary">Warning</button>
<button id="snack-error" type="button" class="btn btn--danger">Error</button>


Simple button that triggers toast.

  <button id="snack-info" type="button" class="btn btn--action">Info</button>
  <button id="snack-success" type="button" class="btn btn--primary">Success</button>
  <button id="snack-warn" type="button" class="btn btn--secondary">Warning</button>
  <button id="snack-error" type="button" class="btn btn--danger">Error</button>

Usage Guideline

First, make sure you have loaded snackbar.js library.

To create snackbar, use Snackbar() function which accepts following options:

option description
text Text to display.
levelCls Importance of the snackbar (by using colored border). Possible values are: info,success,warn,error
duration Amount of time (ms) toast is present (default 3000). For snacbars set this to null.
showAction If true we have snackbar (need action to dismiss).
actionText Label for the action button.
onActionClick Handler (function) of the action. Default handler closes snackbar on click.

Shortcut functions

If you need just to present text at different levels, you can create snackbar with function which accepts text and options as parameters."Text");
  Snackbar.warn("Text", {duration: 4000});
  Snackbar.error("Text", {});

Design guidelines

Initial inspiration from Material Design.