
Tags are used for items that need to be labeled, categorized, or organized using keywords that describe them. Clickable tags insert the text of the clicked item into the search field or perform other actions.


Generally, we have to type of tags:

Actions tags (with icons)

Action tags are clickable and leads user to one of the following actions:

Private an public (shared) tags

We use it, for example, in People / Tags, where we need to differentiate the public (shared) tags visible for everyone and private tags that should be visible only to the user that created them. Both public and private tags are placed in the two separate containers card__content__block. Private tags should have a title with the word "Private:" before the content of the tag.

VIP newsletter Eventival management
never never invite again! no way! forget it
 <div class="card__content max-height-scroll--135">
    <div class="card__content__block">
      <span class="searchable" data-gtm="people-profile-widgets-tag" data-searchable-prefix="prefix"
      <span class="searchable" data-gtm="people-profile-widgets-tag" data-searchable-prefix="prefix"
      <span class="searchable" data-gtm="people-profile-widgets-tag" data-searchable-prefix="prefix"
        data-searchable-string="value"><span>Eventival management</span></span>
    <div class="card__content__block">
      <span class="searchable tag-private" data-searchable-prefix="prefix" data-searchable-string="value" title="Private: never never never invite again!"><span>never never never invite again!</span></span>
      <span class="searchable tag-private" data-searchable-prefix="prefix" data-searchable-string="value" title="Private: no way!"><span>no way!</span></span>
      <span class="searchable tag-private" data-searchable-prefix="prefix" data-searchable-string="value" title="Private: forget it"><span>forget it</span></span>

State tags (without icons)

State tags are not clickable and does not cause any action. They are just informing about the state. They have a .tag--label class. For tags with no background, use .tag--labels and the bg-... color class that is the same as the color of the container background.

Invited by email Invited by email Invited by phone Invivited by phone Approved Approved Yes Yes No No Peter Smith
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-default-light">Invited by email</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-default-dark tw">Invited by email</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-custom-light">Invited by phone</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-custom-dark tw">Invivited by phone</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-info-light">Approved</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-info-dark tw">Approved</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-success-light">Yes</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-success-dark tw">Yes</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-warning-light">No</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-warning-dark tw">No</span>
  <span class="tag tag--label bg-white">Peter Smith</span>

Design Guideline


All tags have the same height. However, the width of tags varies based on the amount of content. All four corners of a tag are rounded with a 3px radius.

Property Value
Font size and weight 14px / 1em
Padding for tag 3px 4.5px
Padding for tag--label 4px 5.5px
Box-shadow 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0, 0.14)