
In the code use var(--clr-<name>) to use the color. If you need to make the background color, just use the bg-<color name> as class (e.g class="bg-mandy") to apply.


#eaefff zircon
#ccf0ff onahau
#c6e9fc french-pass
#55c0ed picton-blue
#009fe3 cerulean
#0386bc lochmara
#e6f2ce tahuna-sands
#a6d350 conifer
#80b915 lime
#70a015 christi
#9DF6B9 magic-mint
#9DF6B9 salem
#fcc6c6 cupid
#ea656e mandy
#db2633 alizarin-crimson
#b91521 thunderbird
#fff6da varden
#ffebcc sunshade-10
#ffd9a0 creme-brulee
#ffad2d sunshade
#e59b28 fire-bush
#fff white
#f8f9fa athens-gray
#f2f2f2 black-5
#D9D9D9 alto
#bebebe silver
#888888 gray
#6b6b6b dove-gray
#585858 scorpion
#0000 black

Colors of modules


#FF9B00 text
#ffad2d primary
#ffebcc secondary


#0386bc text
#55c0ed primary
#c6e9fc secondary


#70a015 text
#a6d350 conifer
#e6f2ce tahuna-sands

Film packages

#0fa83e text
#12d24e primary
#9DF6B9 secondary


#b91521 text
#db2633 primary
#fcc6c6 secondary


#304796 text
#4F69C6 primary
#cad1ee secondary

Colors of states

Each state has assigned a color in the light and dark version. To give an item the color of state, use the classes that are visible below, they all starts with "bg-". If you need to change the color of the text use the "td" - text default or "tw" - text white classes.

Default state

#eaeaea bg-default-light
#bebebe bg-default-dark

Custom state

#ffebcc bg-custom-light
#ffad2d bg-custom-dark

Success state

#e6f2ce bg-success-light
#80b915 bg-success-dark

Warning state

#fcc6c6 bg-warning-light
#db2633 bg-warning-dark

Info state

#c6e9fc bg-info-light
#009fe3 bg-info-dark